
New Stampin' Up! Catalogue

Hooray, the new Idea Book & Catalogue is here. If you don't already have one please contact me and I can arrange for a copy to be mailed to you first class. The cost of the catalogue is £4.95 (usual price £5.95) with free postage.

In the meantime, if you want to see all the new stamp sets and the exciting new ribbons, designer paper, punches and ink colours click on the following link

As well as all the exciting new products, Stampin' Up! have made some changes to the hostess benefits. As a hostess you will now be able to use your "hostess pounds" on anything in the catalogue including the specially priced hostess sets. Also, should the value of your order/ hostess order be more than £300 you will be entitled to buy an item (any item) at half price. See the following link for more details of the new Hostess Benefits