
Today's Stampin' Up! news - Cards for Keeps 2014

Back from the USA and suffering from the old jet lag but it means I'm up early(ish) to post this!!

I have two pieces of news to share with you.

Firstly, the Cards for Keeps Auction on eBay went live yesterday. There are 38 cards up for auction and so far the leaders are the ones from Tom Hiddleston at just over £2000 and Benedict Cumberbatch at £660 (at the time of writing). 

All of the cards are being auctioned in aid of the children's charity, Coram and 100% of the proceeds are going to this worthwhile charity.

I know that the auction has hit some of the headlines in various newspapers and magazines, and Jenny says that she even knew about it in Michigan (she saw something on the TV) so obviously the word is getting out there.

If you are wondering what this is all about check out the auction using the following link

The auction runs until 16 May and all the cards are truly fabulous.

Jenny is trying to persuade me to place a bid or two, but the above are well and truly out of my league. I am tempted by the ones by Karl Pilkington or Rebecca Cobb though!

Secondly, the Weekly Deals (7 May to 13 May) starting today are as follows:

I'm going to be spending my day in my craft room. I have four classes to prepare for this month and also my swaps to finish for Telford. Plus I also need to make a few projects to post on here!

Don't forget to check out the auction and please feel free to pass the word around. The more people who know about it the better.