Yep, made it home yesterday morning. Quite pleased with myself as I was off the plane, through immigration and out of the airport within 20 minutes and home just over an hour after landing. No, I didn't speed down the M4 because I wasn't driving.
This is what I found in my craft room. I didn't get down there first thing, there were other important things to do like, shower and go to Tesco's so that I had some things in the house to eat and drink! But I did make it down there mid-afternoon.
And this was what it looked like once I'd managed to check it all off and put it in some sort of order. I have to say that 70% of it is not mine. I have team training on Sunday (all day) and a lot of it is for that.
Today I have been printing address labels and sorting out the Autumn/Winter Catalogues to go in the post. The majority will be going 1st Class tomorrow as the printer decided it was going to chew up the labels and it has taken me ages to get the adhesive off the rollers. I guess that the poor thing had some abandonment issues and decided to reek it's revenge for the last 7 weeks of non-activity.
I'm hoping to get some projects made tomorrow, once some of my errands have been done, including going to the post office. In the meantime, here's this weeks Weekly Deals.