
Home Again

I finally made it home yesterday a little later than planned. Nothing to do with the airline - the plane was on time but the taxi driver picking me up couldn't find where he had parked the car and then he got a puncture! Not quite the end that I had envisaged for such a great trip away, but hey ho.

This morning I woke up to snow!!!!! Not that much compared to the kids. Jenny has about 18" in East Lansing (Michigan) and Michael about the same in Chicago. No idea how much we have and I don't plan to go out and measure it.

Taken at 7.45 am so not full daylight

Either way, it's not what I was expecting. So glad that I did the hedgehog run  (what my husband and I call a quick necessity food shop when we get home from our travels)  which means that today I can stay home and finish my unpacking and do a major tidy up of my craft room. I did leave it in a bit of a mess as you can see from below.

I have a class on Friday and promise it will be tidier then
I have managed to unpack my stash of fabulous goodies that I received while I was away. I've not found homes for it all yet but here's a quick peek.

There's even a little something in there that we don't have in the UK!

My swaps - I'll share them in more in detail once I've taken some photos.
A HUGE Thank You to all all the people I met (new and old friends) for making the four days in Orlando such a fabulous time - it might have been a short trip but we certainly packed it in. It was well worth only getting 3-4 hours sleep a night.  We were all jet-lagged and totally hyped up to sleep too much.