
More Swaps - Part 2 Leadership 2015

I hope you all had a great weekend. This is just a quick post to share some more of the swaps that I received at the Leadership event in Orlando.

Sheltering Tree : L to R Connie Scheel and Ann F Hillery
A Happy Thing (Sale-A-Bration)  : L to R Angela Khan and not known
Cheerful Critters : L to R Cayleigh May and Christine Ekrem

Lotus Blossom (Sale-A-Bration) : Clockwise from top left Lisa Pressley, unknown and 
Maureen Hallman

About the Label : L to R Judi Anderson and Thelma Collins
Four Feathers : Carolyn Crann Arnold
Cupcake Party : Barbara Welch

Mum's Love* : L to R Mary Rodgers and Christine Pierce
Smooches and Snuggles** : Debi Calandrelle
Bottom right : Tamera Gadd

* please note that the UK version is Mum not Mom
** Sorry we don't have this one in the UK

I have a few more to share but need to retake the photos as they are not particularly clear.

Friday and Saturday were taken up with February's regular monthly classes and I will share some of the projects with you later in the week.