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New Sale-A-Bration Items

We are now into the second month of Sale-A-Bration and there are some new items heading our way on the 15th of this month.

Here’s a little peek at them.

All the Latest News and Class Reminders

These three new items are currently available to demonstrators as part of a pre-order. This also means that if you join the Crafting Acorns on or before 14 February you can include them as part of your starter kit. After this date they will be available with a £45 or £90 purchase. Please note that Starter Kits do not qualify for free Sale-A-Bration items.

The All Adorned stamp set and the Painted Seasons Bundle have been ordered! I can’t wait to make a few projects to share with you. In the meantime, check out this project from Stampin’ Up! using the All Adorned stamp set.

Here’s a quick reminder of all the Sale-A-Bration items available with a £45 or £90 spend.

Join the Crafting Acorns while the Sale-A-Bration offer is still on

If you are looking to start your own business or simply just have a large wish list then it is really worth considering getting the starter kit and join the Crafting Acorns. If you join in February or March you will have until 31 July (30 June plus a month) to meet your first minimum.

You have two options:

Option 1 – Choose £170 worth of Stampin’ Up! product and pay £99.
Option 2 – Choose £170 worth of product and receive the Craft & Carry Tote (worth £47) for £125.

The Starter Kit ships to you for free (saving you a further £4.95) and includes a free Business Starter Kit (catalogues etc).

I’d love for you to join our team of Crafting Acorns. So, if you would you like more information please get in touch or check out details here.

Fiona xx

Ways to shop and save in February

2019 Sale-A-Bration  – lots of ways to earn free things. Join, Shop or Host the choice is yours. New Sale-A-Bration items coming 15 February.

Join my Team – Choose your own starter kit. During Sale-A-Bration you get to choose £170 worth of product for £99 (includes P&P) or add the Craft & Carry tote (worth £47) and pay £125. You then receive a 20% discount on future orders/purchases (for at least 3 months). This is a great way to start your own Stampin’ Up! business or simply make your crafting funds go further.  If you would like more information please contact me at

Save 10% on Bundles from the catalogues. There is something for everyone simply because there are an amazing number to choose from.

Clearance Rack