
September Weekly Deals not to be missed

1 September sees the start of the Weekly Deals. Planning on placing an order this month? Then, don’t forget to check out what Weekly Deals are on offer that week and grab yourself a bargain or two.

weekly deals - all of Sept 2022

New deals will be published on the 1st, 8th, 15th, and 22nd of this month. This means that each week will be different.

Other information

  • Promotion ends on 28 September. 
  • Product options and discounts vary based on inventory availability.
  • All orders qualify for this promotion.
  • Discounted items can be added to a Starter Kit.
  • Get the most up-to-date product information in my online store by clicking on the picture above or HERE

Here’s a quick look of what’s available from 1 Sept to 7 Sept inc.

weekly deals 1 Sept to 7 Sept inc

If you have any questions about any of the weekly deals please contact me by email –

Happy stamping.

Fiona xx

Please note

(i) When shopping online and ordering less that £150 worth of products, don’t forget to use the host code – 49WHUMHY (valid until 30 September). I’ll be sending you a little something extra in October if you do. 

(ii) Spending more than £150, please don’t use the code. You will have your own rewards to spend. This means you can order extra products for free from any of the current catalogues or clearance rack.

(iii) Why not join the Acorns? You select £130 worth of new product and pay only £99. Your kit ships to you for free. Contact me by emailing to for more information.